The start of something inspiring

Whether you are dating, engaged, or married it is important for couples to have fun together 😎

From purchasing that special gift for that special someone, or having a themed dinner date with traditional music, delicious food ; you’ll be able to find all the inspiration and ideas for all this and more at

So who am I? I’m just an ordinary guy married to the most extraordinary woman 🙂 Like most guys we tend to seek ideas online for ‘things to do’ with our partners when we eventually run out of our own great ideas. This got me thinking about how great would it be to have an online buddy that could recommend various ideas that partners could do for each other without breaking the bank £££

Of course I will also have the able help of my better half  to give all the ladies out there some ideas to your man’s heart, and no, it’s not just food!

Check out our next post: X mini X-MI collapsable speakers